viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

Halloween vs day of the dead

Day of the Dead vs Halloween

Day of the Dead is a Mexican traditional holiday that honors ancestors, family members, and friends who have passed away.

The holiday takes place on November 2nd, in connection with the Catholic holiday of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

Day of the Dead falls closely to Halloween, but is celebrated on a larger scale—Mexicans embrace it as a festive occasion.

Though both of these holidays have combined with Catholicism, they are very different. Celebrations of Halloween come from the idea that the dead are to be feared; children wear costumes as protection and jack-o-lanterns are supposed to ward off evil spirits.

By contrast, in Day of the Dead celebrations, the spirits of departed loved ones are welcomed into the home and cemeteries. Death is portrayed as something natural and normal.

Instructions: According to the information above answer the following questions.

1. How do you celebrate these days?

2. What are your family costoms?

8 comentarios:

  1. 1.- Yes, we celebrate this day
    2.- Offerings we put our loved ones
    Norma Guadalupe Salinas Vivanco 3° "C" :)

  2. We need to do one in the Salon
    Yes they are beautiful and also very nice day dead
    Erika Herrera Sanchez 3º "B"

  3. celebrating with family the day of dead
    Just celebrated the Day of the Dead because it is a tradition of mexico and hallowen is mexico but too many people already lost the tradition of Day of the Dead and changed by hallowen so friends never lose nuetra tracion the Day of the Dead. !!!! .....
    Axel Sanchez 3º "B"

  4. of celebrating with family the day dead because it is a tradition of mexico erikc amador perez 1B

  5. teacher the task of day of the dead vs halloween and stick my name is Fernando Jose Romero.
    1B TM

  6. It is a special day that is dedicated to the late public inspectors maybe to offer them an offering, but many people now named to his date hallowen!
    Farid Aguila Camacho 1 B
